Online Assessment Zone

Most consultants, corporate HR departments, and psychologists who use TAIS prefer to have their clients complete the inventory using our Online Assessment Zone.  We do offer paper and pencil versions of the inventory, but the only way to score TAIS is through the online system.  Below you will find a link to the Assessment Zone and the processes for having your clients complete TAIS online or for scoring a completed paper TAIS form yourself.

Click Here to visit the Assessment Zone.

Taking TAIS Online

The online system works as such:

1.  We create a TAIS account for you on our system (there is no charge for account creation) that links your TAIS password with your email address.

2.  You give your TAIS password to your clients when you want them to complete TAIS.

3. Clients go online, enter your TAIS password, and complete the 144 items.

4.  When the final item has been completed, the client’s results post to our database and you immediately receive an email containing TAIS report links. Your clients DO NOT receive any information on their profiles unless you forward reports to them.  Clients should receive personal feedback on their profiles in person or by phone before you forward TAIS reports to them.

5.  We keep a valid credit card on file and bill you periodically for your TAIS charges.

Scoring Completed Paper TAIS forms

You may choose to have your clients complete TAIS on paper.  If you choose this option, you can use the Assessment Zone to score completed forms in just a few minutes time.  To score a completed TAIS form:

1.  Go to the Assessment Zone and choose the option at the bottom of the page to score a completed form.

2.  Login using your username/password.

3.  Enter subject demographics and select the appropriate comparison group you want to use.

4.  You should see a scoring grid with 144 empty boxes below the demographics section.  To score your client’s profile, simply enter the answers to each item in the boxes. Use this key for scoring:  1-Never, 2-Rarely, 3-Sometimes, 4-Frequently, 5-Always.  When you have entered your number in box 1, the program will automatically advance to box 2, so you don’t have to hit “tab” or “enter” to move to the next box.

For more information on TAIS test, please contact us at

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